Alexis Fielder

Associate AIA

Alexis is a person who is alive and, indeed, exists. She works at a place where things happen, and people do stuff—probably with emails involved. A fan of running, Alexis enjoys moving her legs quickly in a forward direction, typically outside but sometimes on a treadmill if weather decides to be rude. She has hobbies, interests, and opinions—some of which are strong, others… less so. Alexis has lived through multiple calendar years and, statistically speaking, has likely enjoyed coffee at least once. Overall, she is a human doing human things in a world full of humans doing things.

She is also known for her ability to participate in the ancient ritual of “free time,” during which she sometimes reads things, watches stuff, or scrolls endlessly through rectangles of light. She enjoys activities that are fun, relaxing, or at least mildly entertaining—unless they involve assembling furniture, which is neither. Alexis has traveled to places, some near, some far, and has consumed food from a variety of plates. She has opinions about movies, probably thinks some songs are bangers, and has absolutely said, “Wow, time flies” at least once this year. All in all, Alexis continues to exist with remarkable consistency.



University of Tennessee I  2021  |  Bachelor of Architecture