ULI Nashville Civic Leadership Forum
The Architect Workshop assisted the ULI Nashville Civic Leadership Forum in their mission to educate City Council about typical misconceptions surrounding real estate development by creating the Myth vs. Facts cards. The designs were created by the Workshop with the content supplied by ULI. These cards were distributed to City Council members in 2019.
8th and Gale Commercial Renovation Project houses new tenant - JP Morgan
The Nashville Business Journal posted an article regarding our project 8th and Gale on the 05 April 2019. 8th and Gale is a revitalized retail center aiming to provide upscale shopping and lifestyle amenities to the fast-developing Melrose neighborhood. The former CVS anchor tenant will be home to the area’s first J.P. Morgan-Chase bank branch, and the remainder of the building will be upgraded and renovated for future inline tenants.
Being the the NBJ is a subscriber only publication, we have to go old school to share this posting in Shop Talk. Please click on the images to read the fine details, but the links are not be active.
Workshop at Park(ing) Day
click the image below to see the Workshop’s history at Park(ing) Day
Workshop at Gingertown
click the image below to see the Workshop’s history at Gingertown